We take our responsibility extremely seriously at GSL Education and consider it our duty to do all we can to ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff.
If you wish to raise a concern around Safeguarding, in the first instance, please contact your Consultant. They will record your concern and inform the DSO. They will keep you informed, where appropriate of actions taken. If you have further concerns or queries you can contact our Designated Safeguarding Officer - Sarah Andrews - directly on 0203 8730 565 or 07903957036 or email
For more information on how to recognise and manage safeguarding concerns, please read our Safeguarding Policy 2023
To report concerns, please follow the instructions in our Complaints Policy and Procedure 2023
Keeping Children Safe in Education Updates
Keeping Children Safe in Education-2023
The most significant changes for 2023 relate to filtering and monitoring requirements for schools and governing bodies.
You can find training resources and updates on the Safeguarding Network
A summary of changes has been prepared by the Safeguarding Network which is really well explained and links to some free training resources.
This includes 'Six step guidance for DSLs'.
Safeguarding Network - Domestic Abuse Factsheet
Safeguarding Network - Domestic Abuse ppt
Statutory Framework for the EYFS 2023
Have you seen the new Statutory Framework and made plans to implement changes?
Statutory Framework for EYFS 2023
SWGFL - New FREE Policy Templates for Online Safety in schools
(Update from 'The Safeguarding Network')
With the South East Regional Organised Crime Unit (SEROCU), the SWGfL has produced a new computer misuse and cyber choices policy template for UK settings.
School Online Safety Policy Templates
The template can help raise awareness amongst educators when it comes to computer misuse and online safety, including:
• understanding the Computer Misuse Act 1990;
• the Cyber Choices programme for referrals;
• knowing who the point of contact is at their local organised crime unit;
• ensuring that learners agree to the setting’s acceptable use policy that outlines expected behaviours and what constitutes illegal activity.
The SWGfL has also updated its checklists for Snapchat and TikTok.
Sick Pay arrangements for Agency Workers diagnosed with Covid-19
Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) will now be available for eligible individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 or those who are unable to work because they are self-isolating in line with Government advice. This is in addition to the change announced by the Prime Minister that SSP will be payable from day 1 instead of day 4 for affected individuals.
People who are advised to self-isolate for COVID-19 will soon be able to obtain an alternative to the fit note to cover this by contacting NHS 111, rather than visiting a doctor. This can be used by employees where their employers require evidence. Further details will be confirmed shortly.
We will only process payments with evidence of the fit note issued by NHS 111. We will require the form SC2 for the first seven days of self-isolation/sickness.
Agency Workers that have been asked to self-isolate by the school with no evidence from a doctor, may be able to claim for Universal Credit.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest - How can I help?
Following the shocking sudden cardiac arrest suffered by Chris Eriksen during a professional football match, the following FREE elearning training course has been offered by UK Coaching:
Note: Please check this page for regular updates.